
Thinking about Gender

Gender is not about the genitals. It refers to the ability of men and women to perform tasks in the best of their abilities regardless of their sexual affiliation.


Gender plays a significant factor in development of a nation or even the world as well.  It’s a way of looking at how social norms and power structures affect the lives and opportunities of men and women from diverse backgrounds. It is critical to comprehend the concept of ‘gender.’ Gender is described as socially constructed norms and ideas that govern men and women’s behavior and behaviors, according to the World Development Report (WDR) 2012. Understanding gender relations and the power dynamics that underpin them is essential for understanding people’s access to and distribution of resources, decision-making abilities, and how political processes and societal development influence women and men, boys and girls. I am for gender equality and I do believe it is important for sustainable peace, and lasting relationships, regardless of the way we act, speak, dress, groom, and conduct ourselves. Gender should not limit our inherent freedom to express  and become who we are as we desired to be . We grow up in a family and an environment where equality is respected and upheld. Whether you are a woman or a man ,so long as you do your obligation and responsibility expected of you as a person, then nobody has the right to hurt you. I am a woman But  I don’t see man as my competition. I respect his rights and he respects mine. We co -exist and we complement. I always try to avoid  gender bias because I believe it  has always created conflict, destroys relationships and has been the source of unequal  and unfair treatment .

Feminism is defined as a movement that seeks to end women’s oppression (Hooks 2000). One approach to interpret ‘woman’ in this claim is as a sex term: ‘woman’ selects human females, and being a human female is determined by a variety of biological and physical characteristics (like genitalia). Many feminists have viewed ‘woman’ in a different light in the past: as a gender term that is influenced by social and cultural variables rather than a sex term (like social position). 

Feminism helps liberate women from the shackles of oppression and bullying coming from the standpoint of men.  Knowledge of one’s gender and the roles they have to play are factors that help women become empowered. They are given equal opportunities to perform whatever tasks are given to them regardless of their genetalias. Division of power has been set and doing tasks which were expected from men before were also done by women. Having these practiced in our society, it’s sends a deliberating effect and message to women all over the world that they too can be the best of who they are and what they can do.


“Banking Model”

In one of my college classes, I had a “banking model” experience. In class, the teacher was just reading his slides to us. I can see his being nervous in front of his students as a new instructor. However, it was not a good start to a career as a teacher. New teachers can learn from those well-known teachers’ success models and try to change their “banking model.” Teachers should exchange ideas with their students, emphasize their feedback, and learn from their critical thinking. 

Being humble and acknowledging that you may not have all the answers as a teacher may make you appear vulnerable, which I’m sure some teachers dislike, but it also makes you approachable and communicates that you are still learning yourself! Students must understand that education does not end when one reaches a specific age or obtains a particular career. Learning is actually a continuous process.


Education is a beautiful tool. Learning is an essential component of society,  in which everyone of us plays a significant role. Teachers should ensure that there is interaction and an exchange of ideas among students in the classroom. A classroom where students solve issues, answer questions, create their own questions, discuss, explain, debate, or brainstorm during class as part of active learning.
Additionally, a classroom where students engage in groups that promote both positive interdependence and individual accountability, they are said to be participating in cooperative learning.